How to Import NFTs to Devikins

Today we’re doing a tutorial for users confused or having difficulties when it comes to importing their Devikin into the game itself.

3 min readMay 25, 2022

We’ll split this up as we do all our tutorials, with a text section as well as an image section detailing the entire process.

For those who would just like to read how, here are the steps involved:

1) In the Main Hub, tap on the plus icon (+) to open the DVK Management Screen

2) Hit Copy to copy your Deposit Address

3) Go to the Marketplace and select Holdings

4) In the Holdings screen, select My NFTs

5) Select the NFT you would like to import to the game, and then tap Withdraw

6) Paste the Deposit Address you copied earlier into the window that pops up. If the Continue button does not become usable, try deleting and re-typing the last character of your Deposit Address

7) Authenticate the transaction

8) You’re now done! Your NFT will be shown as “Withdrawn” while it is transferring to the game and you will receive an email when the process is completed.

To check on your newly delivered NFT go to your Roster in-game and tap the Refresh button for it to appear.

If you prefer an image tutorial, follow the instructions below:




Written by Devikins

By MoonLabs Studios, Devikins is a turn-based RPG blockchain game, based in the ever-changing world of the Void. TG: devikins_game |

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