Devikins Update 1.4
Update 1.4 will be releasing in a couple of weeks, and today we will be discussing what new features it will bring to the table.
To begin with, we’re adding an in-game Marketplace to Devikins that can be used to buy and sell NFTs as well as game items. Players will be able to list and purchase NFTs seamlessly inside the game using DVK, or go hunting for that one training item they might need to perfectly cap off a Devikid.
Because of this addition, we’re bringing back the ability for players to donate Incubators to their Guild Mates, as it was previously removed due to users being scammed when attempting to make a P2P sale or purchase of Incubators utilizing the donation system as a trading screen. As Incubators can now be bought and sold in the Marketplace, they can once more be donated.
We’re also expanding the Chat Badge, which was added in 1.2 when we provided M.A.D subscribers with a unique badge to go next to their username when using chat. With 1.4 we will be expanding that to include Early Adopters and Ambassadors — Ambassadors being something which we will discuss in a later article.
Finally, new Achievements are being added to Devikins. Beside those you can earn from completing daily chores, players now have bigger, better, and much more rewarding reasons to play Devikins in the long run.