We’ve got a relatively short, but useful article today for all Devikings and Queens currently playing the Closed Beta. Many have asked about Combat Stats and what they specifically change when it comes to player power. While the Combat Whitepaper does cover weapons and related stats, it doesn’t cover abilities and status effects in detail.
To remedy that, we’ve constructed a handy list of Conditions, their Modifiers, and any Effects they have for you to refer to if you’re interested in min-maxing or simply curious.
Scared | Modifier: SP | Effect: When Scare meter is full, all attacks against this target are guaranteed to be a Critical hit
Poison | Modifier: Poison | Effect: Causes damage over time. Damage occurs at turn start. Bypasses Protection stat
Inspired | Modifier: Strength | Effect: Increases Strength attribute
Weakened | Modifier: Strength | Effect: Decreases Strength attribute
Invigorated | Modifier: Defense | Effect: Increases Defense attribute
Sick | Modifier: Defense | Effect: Decreases Defense attribute
Swift | Modifier: Agility | Effect: Increases Agility attribute
Lethargic | Modifier: Agility | Effect: Decreases Agility attribute
Shielded | Modifier: Shield | Effect: Nullify next instance of damage
Provoking | Modifier: Provoke | Effect: Taunt, become the only available target
Stealth | Modifier: Stealth | Effect: Cannot be targeted
Paralyzed | Modifier: Paralyze | Effect: Cannot act, forced to pass turn
Distracted | Modifier: Distraction | Effect: 50% change to be unable to act, and then forced to pass turn
Focused | Modifier: Focus | Effect: Bypass conditions Provoking and Stealth
Protection | Modifier: Protection | Effect: Extra, unhealable HP
Sleep | Modifier: Sleep | Effect: Units affected by condition Sleep cannot act, and are forced to pass their turn. Units affected by condition Sleep have a 50% chance upon turn end to remove Sleep
Guard | Modifier: Guard | Effect: Reduces chance of an incoming attack to be a Critical Hit by Guard %
Nightmare | Modifier: Nightmare | Effect: If unit is affected by condition Sleep, receive Scare damage at turn start
Bad Luck | Modifier: Bad Luck | Effect: Unable to deal Critical damage
Decay | Modifier: Decay | Effect: Decreases Maximum HP temporarily
Cursed | Modifier: Curse | Effect: After Curse reaches 0, the affected unit will die
Elemental Aura (e.g. Life Aura, or Void Aura) | Modifier: Elemental Aura | Effect: Halves damage taken by associated element
Confused | Modifier: Confusion | Effect: If unit is affected by condition Confusion, when using a skill they have a 50% chance to use a different skill on a different target
Condition Resistance (e.g. Bad Luck Resistance, or Nightmare Resistance) | Modifier: Condition Resistance | Effect: Chance to prevent associated Condition when applied
Ancestry Rivalry (e.g. Lunarian Rivalry, or Khoroth Rivalry) | Modifier: Ancestry Rivalry | Effect: Bonus Critical Chance against associated Ancestry
Broken Arm | Modifier: Disarmed | Effect: Cannot use offensive skills
Berserk | Modifier: Berserk | Effect: Can only use offensive skills
Revive | Modifier: Revive | Effect: Brings a dead fighter back to life
Bleeding | Modifier: Bleed | Effect: Causes damage over time, applied at turn start and every time the target unit uses a skill. Bypasses protection and stacks up to three times
Prey Mark | Modifier: Prey | Effect: While a unit is affected by condition Prey Mark, units attacking it have a bonus accuracy of +50
Blind | Modifier: Blind | Effect: Affected unit has a 50% chance of missing any offensive skill
Accuracy | Modifier: Accuracy | Effect: Increase or decrease the likelihood of skills successfully affecting the targeted unit(s)
Rage | Modifier: Rage | Effect: While a unit is affected by condition Rage, they deal extra damage with their next offensive skill. Condition is cleared after one attack